Morning starts racing . Instantly ready to get out of the office . To facilitate traffic pass . The various types of office workload . All in all, it seems , thus , does not like anything . If you could find a little peace anywhere.
Yantrikata urban life , stress and hectic part of life now . To fix this , you can go to 18 the number of Banani Dhaka street ' Ayurveda Wellness Center " - at .
This center will dhukei quiet side of the lake seems to be a bit tired and went off . According to the doctor just to make any kind of massaging .
Let the words of such abhayangama rub . Tired - sick, it will bring you peace . Be the first rub down with hair oil . The oil will be massaging the whole body . Steam will then be given 10 to 15 minutes . The bath with scrubber . How often do feel the breezy feel of sitting in his cradle drying the hair .
The proprietor of 'Ayurveda Wellness Center' Saroyat Abed said , ' For three years we 've done on Ayurveda . Then I turn it on and let jahida Ispahani together years ago . Frozen soldara , arthraraitisa , back and shoulder pain - is that today, many types of problems . Many of those problems are not getting solved . Goa and Kerala in India saw the Ayurvedic system is to solve these problems . We also studied . Those of us who work here , they are trained to Kerala . And women - male both services are offered . Ill go to the doctor healthy living better than before . ' Night sleep problems , migraine or sinus problems or skin problems - which can be eliminated by the Ayurvedic rub . Please contact us before will have to schedule . Free consultation with the doctor at the scheduled time , then you can take the service . These centers Physicians Atiquzzaman said , ' We are here to be used for massaging the materials , which are completely natural . Massage , facial or hair is yatnai , how to live a healthy life , we are asking those instructions . Ayurveda is not just the outer side of the work , or toxic substances inside the body remove toxins , proper blood circulation in the works . '
Here are the specific parts of the body fat reduction as well as various massages are also special massage. Suggest seeing a doctor about your skin type , the type of facial you can . There are hair care system .
There are open every day from ten in the morning to eight at night . The best time to come to the phone . From 10 am to 1 pm in the remaining special discount .
Contact : 00880-1733239674 , 00880-1686111222
This center will dhukei quiet side of the lake seems to be a bit tired and went off . According to the doctor just to make any kind of massaging .
Let the words of such abhayangama rub . Tired - sick, it will bring you peace . Be the first rub down with hair oil . The oil will be massaging the whole body . Steam will then be given 10 to 15 minutes . The bath with scrubber . How often do feel the breezy feel of sitting in his cradle drying the hair .
The proprietor of 'Ayurveda Wellness Center' Saroyat Abed said , ' For three years we 've done on Ayurveda . Then I turn it on and let jahida Ispahani together years ago . Frozen soldara , arthraraitisa , back and shoulder pain - is that today, many types of problems . Many of those problems are not getting solved . Goa and Kerala in India saw the Ayurvedic system is to solve these problems . We also studied . Those of us who work here , they are trained to Kerala . And women - male both services are offered . Ill go to the doctor healthy living better than before . ' Night sleep problems , migraine or sinus problems or skin problems - which can be eliminated by the Ayurvedic rub . Please contact us before will have to schedule . Free consultation with the doctor at the scheduled time , then you can take the service . These centers Physicians Atiquzzaman said , ' We are here to be used for massaging the materials , which are completely natural . Massage , facial or hair is yatnai , how to live a healthy life , we are asking those instructions . Ayurveda is not just the outer side of the work , or toxic substances inside the body remove toxins , proper blood circulation in the works . '
Here are the specific parts of the body fat reduction as well as various massages are also special massage. Suggest seeing a doctor about your skin type , the type of facial you can . There are hair care system .
There are open every day from ten in the morning to eight at night . The best time to come to the phone . From 10 am to 1 pm in the remaining special discount .
Contact : 00880-1733239674 , 00880-1686111222